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HELP DURING TOUGH TIMES AMN's Caring for Caregivers Grant Program

AMN Healthcare’s Caring for Caregivers program provides grants for AMN team members during life-changing events and extreme times of need.

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Everyone Experiences Tough Times


Sometimes asking for help can be the hardest part. AMN Healthcare’s Caring for Caregivers grant program allows AMN Healthcare clinicians experiencing extreme financial hardship due to a qualifying event, such as natural disaster, death, or serious illness or injury, to apply for non-taxable grant assistance. Our grants, with awards of up to $5,000, are meant to help you and your immediate family members who are severely impacted by financial stress related to a qualified, crisis event. Grants do not need to be paid back and are our way of letting you know that we appreciate the efforts you’ve made working for the company.

Learn more about qualifying events or review FAQs

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AMN Healthcare Partners with the Dallas Foundation

Providing a Hand-Up During Tough Times

In the spirit of giving back, AMN Healthcare has partnered with the Dallas Foundation, a non-profit 501(c) organization who will help us manage our nationwide grant program. Applications for grant assistance will be reviewed by Dallas Foundation members and a team of AMN Healthcare employees who will provide guidance on amounts for approved applications. 

person providing comfort to another

Qualified Events for Grants

AMN Healthcare offers grants of up to $5,000 for clinicians who have worked on assignment for the company within the past 120 days, and who have experienced qualifying life-changing events or extreme times of need within the last 90 days, including:

  • Serious illness or injury
  • Death of an immediate family member (dependent)
  • A natural disaster (flood, wildfire, tornado, hurricane, etc.)
  • Loss of primary residence
  • Military deployment
  • Non-routine/exceptional medical expenses
  • Domestic violence or were a victim of other violent crime

Examples of Documentation You May Need Depending on Your Situation

During the application process, please make sure you have the required documentation for submission to the grant committee. Providing all of the necessary documentation during the application process will help the committee make more expedient decisions and get recipients the help they need faster.

Physician or Clinician Diagnosis of Serious Illness

Provide accompanying documentation of diagnosis, dates of care, healthcare bills, coverage paid by insurance, and applicant responsibilities after insurance payments. 

Unpaid Medical Bills

To qualify, it is essential that the clinician provide final proof of unpaid medical bills, including final medical insurance documentation that demonstrates expenses not covered under the plan.

Proof of Military Deployment

Official written confirmation from a branch of the U.S. military with clinician’s name (or spouse/domestic partner) and dates of deployment, along with receipts for expenses related to deployment.

Insurance Assessment of Loss of Home

Provide documentation of home loss/damage, including insurance adjuster information, proof that the residence is owned by the HP, and other bills or invoices to substantiate claims.

Police Report of Domestic Violence/Violent Crime

Provide Police/court report, Shelter report, with dates included, expenses incurred, including temporary shelter, food/clothing during initial period after the incident, and medical expenses as described under diagnosis by clinician or physician section above.

Death Certificate of Loved One

Demonstrate proof of relationship, bills/invoices for funeral/burial costs, and identify family members included.

Steps to Apply for AMN's Caring for Caregivers Grant Program

To help you understand the application process for AMN's Caring for Caregivers Grant Program, we have put together a step-by-step list of the stages and approximate timeframes that you can expect when applying for the program. To learn more about the grant program, visit our FAQs page.

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Gather necessary documentation


Apply for the program and submit documentation

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Review by Dallas Foundation members and AMN's internal team (2-4 weeks), with necessary follow-ups

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Notification of grant awards (where applicable)

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Coordination of disbursement of funds (account information)

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Disbursement of funds (usually 2 to 3 weeks after final approval)

How AMN Healthcare Supports Our Clinicians

AMN Healthcare believes that the amazing clinicians we work with deserve the same level of professional care and services as the patients they support every day. We are honored to provide a variety of resources to help meet the personal, professional and mental health care needs of this amazing group of caregivers.

Doctors on Demand

We proudly provide our clinicians with 24/7 access to doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and other medical experts anytime, anywhere from their smartphone, tablet or computer via Doctors on Demand. Contact your Clinical Manager for details on accessing Doctors on Demand.

Top FAQs

What is happening?

In May 2022, AMN announced The AMN Caring for the Caregivers Fund to support AMN Healthcare Professionals who are experiencing a catastrophic and unexpected hardship that causes undue financial stress for qualified events.

Who can apply for assistance from the fund?

Active AMN healthcare professionals must meet the following eligibility criteria to apply, be considered for, or receive a grant from the Caring for the Caregivers fund:

- Clinician must be in active status with at least one AMN brand and have worked a minimum of 180 hours, some of which must have been worked within the previous 120 days before grant application. In addition, clinician must have a work location based in the United States at the time of application submission.

- Is not an AMN corporate employee

Eligible AMN healthcare professionals are limited to receiving a maximum of one (1) grant every calendar year, regardless of grant amount. Multiple grants for the same event are not permitted.

Additional information:

- Eligible AMN healthcare professionals on a protected Leave of Absence (LOA) are eligible to apply, be considered for, and/or receive a grant from the AMN Caring for Caregivers Fund.

- Healthcare professionals who join AMN through a company acquisition become eligible when they are integrated into AMN Human Capital records and timekeeping.

What types of financial hardships qualify for grant consideration?

Different incurred costs associated with the qualified events below are open to grant consideration. 

- Serious injury/illness; Non-routine/ exceptional medical expenses  

- Natural disaster including flood, wildfire, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, blizzard, drought, cyclone, hurricane, or severe storm

- Impact to primary residence including fire, flood, or other unusual life altering expense not paid by insurance

- Military deployment/ called to active duty

- Victim of a violent crime or domestic abuse

- Other qualifying emergency event or crisis (considered on a case-by- case basis)

How do I apply for assistance from the Caring for the Caregivers Assistance Fund?

Apply directly here. Before applying, you will need to create an account on the grant site using your personal email address. The site has been approved through the AMN IT Governance, Risk & Compliance process.