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Traveler to Traveler Blog Sweepstakes

We want to tap into your wealth of knowledge and share it with our community. Tell us the best places to see, eat, and travel like a tourist. We’re looking for real-life experiences and tips and tricks that can help other healthcare professionals live just like you. And what better way to do that than hearing it firsthand?

Submit Blogs and Earn Gift Cards

Simply submit a blog of at least 500 characters* (or two or three or five blogs!) detailing your experiences on a travel assignment with AMN Healthcare and we'll give you a $200 gift card for every blog we publish to You'll also be entered into our three-month long sweepstakes to win the grand prize: a $2,500 gift card. #winwin


*Please don't use specific hospital or facility names, curse words, or defamation of any companies or recruiters.

woman on laptop at outdoor cafe

Suggested Topics

  • Advice for first time travelers
  • Where do you like eat, drink or socialize in each city?
  • What do you do on your weekends when in certain cities?
  • Best hidden gems in each city
  • How do you get to your new assignment? Do you drive an RV, airstream, van? Tell us all about it.
  • How do you make your new assignment feel like home?
  • How do you get acclimated to a new assignment/facility?
  • How do you meet people and connect when you’re in a new city?
  • How do you combat loneliness or burnout with traveling?
  • Dating when traveling
  • How to pick the perfect city for you

Your Career is at Your Fingertips

Download AMN Passport to find, book and manage your next travel nursing or allied healthcare travel job. You can also define your job preferences, sign contracts securely, and contact a recruiter – all from the palm of your hand.


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